
Testing Tesseract-1.0.3


Our generalized Rough algorithm uses edge inlors
matron lu dehne a mapping [rot-n the orientation nfan edge paint to a reference point of the shape. Tht: reference point may be though! of as the origin of a loualeo-ordinate system for the shape Then there is an easy way ofcompuling a measure which rates how well points in the image are likely to be ortgins of the specified shape. Figure X shows a few graphic examples of the information used by the generalized Rough
transform. Lines indicate gradient directions A feature of the transform is that it will work even when the boundary is disconnected due to noise or occlusions.This is generally not true [or other strategia whichtrack edge segments
The original algonthrn by Houghm did not use

目前还没有关于tesseract的官方文章,相信google不久会整理并发布的。现在也没有时间研究它,先好好把Duda的pattern classification看完再说.

further more, perhaps I've found an interesting application of tesseract, that is Visual Reader on our PC. more details, read web pages, papers, books, etc for us. This is obvious possible with tesseract and MS's Speech SDK, plus some additional image processing, for example, selecting the text region, finding out the time to perform OCR on current screen content. I've got a picture about this demo, just some programming work remained:)
life should be ease for us slothful man ~~
